Sunday, March 11, 2007


Residents of Kilumba ward in Mwanza city are up in arms against the fast tracked of the East African Federation when they were contributing their views on the public meeting held at Kilumba Magomeni stadium last week with the committee soliciting views from wananchi whether the Federation can or cannot be fast tracked.

Most of the wananchi who were given opportunities to expose their views were against the establishment of the federation since they said it was intending to put their country in a loop. They said the federation will pinch employment market to the most of Tanzanians because academically they are very far behind comparing to Kenya and Uganda.

“Kenya enrolls a number of university students per year compared to Tanzania where we don’t have more than 30 universities since we attained independence in 1961”said one of the opponent of the federation. Uniting countries with political differences is like mixing patient with impatient people whereby you will resort having two patient, this means and the one who was fit must be infected added he.

The resident clarified his example that since, the federation seeks to admit Rwanada and Burundi as patients suffering from ethnic conflict for a number of decades will automatically infect peaceful countries like Kenya and Tanzania.

They also feared the intention of Museveni being the first president of Federation will route the countries in conflicts because, he is a man of conflict since, he entered the power to rule Uganda through blood shed. I have heard through different media that Museveni announced to his people in Uganda that he can not drop from power until he be the first East African Federation President” said Juma Ali,Kilumba ward resident. “How sure that he will be the first president? He asked. “He thinks of using forces as his usual”

They added that there is no need of East African Federation because, it will arise land conflicts in Tanzania. “We Tanzanians we don’t own land as in Kenya. So once we are to allow federation means that capitalists of Kenya will siphon our land and we remain land lass and return back in colonial eras” said Ramadan Padali one of Kilumba resident.

There was solely one mwananchi who supported the introduction of the federation however; he spoke nothing because all the multitudes groaned aloud in derision.

At the end the residents asked the committee to tell the president that they have to establish federation in economic only.

The committee currently going around the country soliciting views from wananchi on the first tracking of the much talked about East African Federation, was formed to respond to Tanzania’s insistence that East Africans be asked if they want the Federation fast tracked
or not.

Dr.Charle seeks SAUT Community Call to Arm Women

By Denis Mpagaze

The Deputy Vice Chancellor fro Academic affairs Dr.Igno Charle sought SAUT Community to arm women in different phenomenon because they are endowed with numerous talents for the better of their future.

Dr. said this last week when he was addressing the community to mark international women day held at Malimbe campus in SAUT.He believed that if a man wants to attain sustainable development, a woman must always be behind him. “The late Mwl.JK Nyerere archived the attainment of our independence because Mama Maria was behind him to the extent that he dint lost hope”

Dr.Chale who is also the lecturer in linguistics spoke strongly in support to what the University does to promote female students academically. Last year we recruited 8 female students to be tutorial assistants whereby next year they will be taken for post graduate studies” said he.

He said that the community should not worry about promoting women, because they are diligent and committed people at all sectors. He mention some prominent women who hold a very big position and perform better as, Dr.Asha Rose Migiro, the vice UN general secretary, Getruda Mongera, the president of African parliament, and Zachia Meghji,minister for Finance.

Among others, Dr. mentioned Bib Tit Mohamrd, Pro.Tibaijuka, and Mery Nagu as women who represent essential positions taken by women.

In academic Dr. said women are in front lines to embrace academic for they have registered to higher institution and to the masters’ level. Out of 21 student enrolled in master course at SAUT seven were female” he said. “Why shouldn’t we applaud of them and throw more supports to them?” he asked.

He also congratulated women for raising statistic in university enrollment where last academic year 2005/06, SAUT admitted 34%, in this academic year 2006/07 was 37%. “Am sure in this academic year 2007/2007 we will enroll more that 50%”

However Dr.Charle asked all women to take care of AIDS since it is up on them and they don’t have to expect any promotion this, otherwise the disease will curtail their good thing they are doing.

Women Day is celebrated on 8th March each year with different slogan.

Book review

Am I not a Woman and a Sister?

Author: Sara Salih
Printed by: Clays Ltd, St Ives plc England
Price: USD12.00
Pages: 114

Reviewed by Denis Mpagaze

“Am I not a Woman and a Sister?” is a true story about Mary Prince, a black woman slave. It was published for the first in 1831 and re published edited for the second phase by the author Sara Salih in 2000.In it the author shows how slaves experienced severe torture for a very slight offence they encountered.

Mary was born slave with her parents and when Mrs. William died Mary was sold to other Master in order to raise the money fro the master to marry to a wicked woman. “See I am shrouding my poor children, what a task for a mother” claiming Mary’s mother when she was taking her children to the market. Mary was sold together with her siblings.

The act of selling your own children for the sake of others a sign of how slaves were denied their human rights-right to freedom to own property. This means Mary’s mother hasn’t any decision to her propert-childeren.

Slaves have no right to enjoy the joyfulness rather was supposed to stay under sorrow seized in their hearts. The author shows this after the mother had sold her children as she writes, “when they were sold to the different masters, their mother hugged and kissed them and mourned over them and she then went back home with nothing. ”

When Mary arrived to her new master living in Spanish Point, she found a situation very worse as she said, “I was licked and flogged and pinched in the neck and arms, to strip me naked-to hang me up by the wrists and lay my flesh open with the cow-skin, was an ordinary punishment for even a slight offence”

Further the author shows the world at large how slaves were not entitled to enjoy some human basic needs as those introduced by a humanistic sociologist Abraham Maslow.Among the needs by Maslow, social needs in terms of belongingness-that is every human being has an innate need to affiliate with others in search of affection and love.

Mary was denied to enjoy need as; when she got a husband Mr. Wood her master and his wife were very sad of hearing that marriage to the extent of changing the mood.
“Mrs. Wood was more vexed about may marriage than her husband” said Mary.pg30.

In one way how Mrs. Wood was claiming is among women traits. This shows to the world that some women have jealous to their fellow women.Mrs reached to the point of telling Mary that she would not have nigger men about the yards of premises, or allow a nigger man clothes to be washed in the same tub where hers were washed.

In this era even when a slave got married was obliged to remain slave of her master. Despite her marriage Mary was a slave of Mr. Wood.

Salves were also denied freedom of consciousness and religious as Mary says
I did not ask my owner’s permission from the belief that it would be refused; so that I got no farther instruction at that time from the English Church”

However, Mary struggled to buy her freedom and she attained it.

The author has pictured out how the situation was in 17th Century. Simple language ha been used to the point that whoever reads the book must understand and enjoy it fully.

This book is of great help to all communicators and politicians because it equips readers with various knowledge on how to solve problems. I t resembles John Locke Political Philosophy.

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